FOOD MINISTRY SUNDAY IS DECEMBER 1: Thank you for your continued help with our food ministries! Our next Food Ministry Sunday is December 1. The Howard Food Bank accepts food donations that help keep families fed in our area. Our outdoor food pantry continues to be a great service to the community. Monetary and/or food donations of all kinds are appreciated. Checks for the Howard Food Bank may be made out to Howard Food Bank. Checks to help our food pantry may be made out to St. Mark Lutheran and on the memo line write, “Outdoor Pantry.” You also can give online using our online giving platform Tithely. Visit Thank you again for your ongoing generosity!
SERVICE AND SNACKS: St. Mark’s youth service club — Service and Snacks (SAS) — continues to find ways to help people in our communities and serve others. The club is preparing for its 2025 meetings and projects. If you have an idea on a possible service project for kids, you can contact Pastor David.
GIVING TREE UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who selected a gift ornament from the Giving Tree in the narthex. All gifts need to be placed under the tree by December 8. Attach the paper ornament you selected to the gift you purchased. The gift should not be wrapped but may be placed in a gift bag if you choose to do that. Any extra gift bags and tissue paper that you care to donate would be greatly appreciated by Roads to Peace. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity!
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Thank you to everyone involved with this year’s Operation Christmas Child effort. The boxes are on their way to children all around the world.