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Worship & Congregational Activities

“RESTORE OUR HOPE”: MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP: Now that we are in the season of Advent, St. Mark will have midweek worship services 6:30pm each Wednesday of Advent, starting December 4, on Zoom and Facebook Live. The services are based on the theme, “Restore Our Hope,” and they include prayers, music, scripture readings, and reflection. Take a break from your week during this busy time of year to join us.

BLUE CHRISTMAS: St. Mark holds its annual Blue Christmas worship service 7pm Thursday, December 19. The service is for anyone who feels grief, weariness, fatigue, or just wants some quiet and peace during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

CHRISTMAS EVE AT ST. MARK: Celebrate Christmas Eve and the birth of our Savior at St. Mark! Our Christmas Eve worship service is 7pm Tuesday, December 24. It will include wonderful music, scripture readings, a message, and Holy Communion.

LESSONS & CAROLS WITH MARTIN LUTHER: On Sunday, December 29, St. Mark will have a Lesson and Carols worship service that will feature readings from the gospels and reflections written by Martin Luther. The reflections are drawn from Martin Luther’s Christmas Book. Since Christmas isn’t just one day but a season in the church, come and enjoy hearing the Christmas story again and singing carols.

ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: St. Mark holds its annual congregational meeting following worship on Sunday, December 15. The congregation will vote on the 2025 budget and new council members. Please plan to attend the meeting if you are able. The meeting should be brief but is very necessary to the workings of our church. If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch the meeting on Zoom and be able to ask questions in the Chat box, but you won’t be able to vote.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CANTATA COMING IN JANUARY: The Christians with Rhythm Choir performs its annual Christmas Cantata during the January 5 worship service at St. Mark. This year’s cantata is titled, “A New and Glorious Morn.” Besides at St. Mark, the choir will perform the cantata at 3pm January 5 at Howard Christian Church and also at 3:30pm January 12 at Bellefonte Living Hope Alliance Church. Other performances may be scheduled.

COFFEE HOUR: The next monthly Coffee Hour is following worship on December 8. It will be a coffee hour to welcome new members who are officially joining St. Mark during worship that day as well as fellowship with our current members. Our monthly coffee hours are held the second Sunday of each month, except for special occasions. Our coffee hour in January will be following the January 5 worship to enjoy some fellowship time following the Christian with Rhythm Choir’s annual Christmas Cantata.

FAITH EXPLORERS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Our Faith Explorer (Sunday School) class offerings for all ages are up and running on Sundays. The classes meet at 9:30am in the second floor classrooms. The younger group watches fun videos and does activities, all centered around a faith lesson. The older group engages in a book study and discussion.

The youth class will not meet December 29 and January 5 as it takes a break following Christmas.

If you are interested in helping with either of the classes, contact Pastor David.

BOOK CLUB: St. Mark’s Book Club holds its next meeting 1pm Thursday, December 5 in the Fellowship Room. The November/December read is Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult. The first meeting of 2025 will be 1pm Thursday, January 30, when the club will discuss A Well Behaved Woman by Therese Anne Fowler. Come join the discussion! If you have any questions or have a book recommendation, contact Pastor David.

CHOIRS WELCOME ALL: The choirs are singing again! Choir practice is held 7pm Tuesdays. Anyone who is interested in joining either the St. Mark Choir or Christians with Rhythm Choir, or both, is welcome to join! If you have any questions, contact Pastor David.

HELPERS ON SUNDAYS: Thank you to everyone who volunteers to help on Sundays — greeters, readers, etc. It is much appreciated and needed! If you would like to help on Sundays, you can contact Pastor David. Thank you!

GIVING ONLINE: Did you know you can make offerings to St. Mark online and also set up a schedule for continued offerings online using a credit card or bank account? This is done through the church’s online giving platform Tithely. Visit to give online. If you have any questions, contact Pastor David.

MEETING WITH PASTOR DAVID: If you would like to meet or talk with Pastor David about anything, either in person, on Zoom, or a phone call, you are invited to contact him to set up a time.

KEEP IN TOUCH WITH ST. MARK: Whether you are a member or friend of St. Mark, you can easily keep in touch with important announcements, prayer requests, and even receive brief daily devotions over your home phone or cell phone. If you would like to be included in the church’s Call Multiplier calling system, just give your name and phone number to Pastor David. Those who share the same home address but have different phone numbers can each receive calls on their phones.

Another way to stay informed of happenings at St. Mark is by being on the church’s email list. The church sends out a brief e-news item that goes out weekly, and you also can receive St. Mark’s monthly newsletter through email. If you would like to be added to our email list, contact Pastor David.

And you also can keep in touch and stay informed through St. Mark’s website and by following St. Mark on Facebook and Instagram (@StMarkSnydertown).

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